be u to full
call or message janice 24/7 805-704-9259
peace strength & calm prenatal & postpartum massage, yoga and pranayama (breath meditation) guidance for a blissful pregnancy efficient labor & arrival 🤍
the tree of life breastfeeding
newborn cranial sacral. butterfly baby massage to relieve tension, trauma and stress
Promotes bonding
Restores energy and revitalizes;
Relaxes and de-traumatize;
Relieves stress and anxiety;
Alleviates intestinal cramps and colic;
Promotes better sleep.
mama & baby🤍
~postpartum nurture is forever
In the beginning… let’s gather, come see me as often as you feel the need. I offer massage as a way to develop trust in your body, ease discomforts and share time with one another, while addressing nutrition supplements, questions and concerns. Here to support you in the best place & method for you to arrive your baby. Follow your heart intuition and choose what is best for you. your body and your baby Arrive your baby where & how you want, surrounded by your people.
birth is sacred
sol earth mothercare~
arriving babys & newborn mothers
the fine art of the nativity*
event $2900
offerings: prenatal, arrival beyond the womb, postpartum guidance education and assistance
*planning a hospital delivery let’s talk🩵
A gentle birth
I encourage and support noninvasive gestation, labor, arrival and beyond. A natural birth. Including focus on good nutrition, exercise~yoga {for strength & healing} and supplements to support your good health & well-being… 4th trimester observance & reverence in bonding & nurturing baby and your healing body. Postpartum love Week 1 & 2 be in bed- Week 3 & 4 close to the bed- Week 5 & 6 around the house.. your partner, mom, sister, favorite aunti, and me are here for you
I do not order labs or tests.
My care is completely based on the close intimate relationship with the mother to be, I encourage you to schedule in for monthly massage, more often as wanted or needed. Here to support your beautiful soul journey.
You can call or text me 24-7. I will get back to you. If after 10 pm calling is best.
when you call for me I will arrange to come.I will be on call for you at 37 weeks’ gestation.. This is also when my asking fee is requested. My heart and soul are here to serve when where & how I am needed.
Yes, I will assist you at your hospital birth. Knowing what will be offered to you and making informed choices before the birth event is best.
I will support your choices and intervene if you need or want.
Yes…you can
You can listen to your heart intuition
inner wisdom & your ancestors.
You can choose what is best for you, your
body and your baby.
Arrive your baby
where you want.
& how you want.
intimately with who you wish to be in attendance
your body, your baby, your choice.
You know best and I am here to love assist💙encourage & support
If wanted by both of you, I can teach, share and show your partner ‘in the moment.’ I will guide your partner in how to support and help you in pregnancy, labor, birth and beyond.
I will be available by phone or text at any time
I travel assisting families in California and the PNW Coeur d Alene to the boundary Idaho.
So that I may plan to assist you, please contact me as soon as possible with requests for any & all of my arriving baby & doula 💛offerings.
Wait as long as possible to tie & cut the umbilical cord When the cord is pulseless white and bloodless. Baby has received the oxygen and blood containing the newborns natural immune spectrum.
*The newborn at the time of birth is in a double respiratory state. Baby continues being nurtured by the placenta. Receiving oxygen blood and nutrients through the umbilical cord. His lungs are not fully activated yet, he gradually starts breathing air through his nose and then, in ease activates his lungs.
At the hospital ? Ask for your placenta and send or take it home with you.. placenta can be encapsulated for new mother and or plant it under a tree.💚 can be frozen until it’s time to plant a tree 🌲.
Researchers found that a couple of extra minutes attached to the umbilical cord at birth may translate into a small boost in neurodevelopment several years later. Children whose cords were cut more than three minutes after birth had higher social skills and fine motor skills than those whose cords were cut within 10 seconds.
Iron in the body is critical for healthy brain development. The natural transfusion of blood via delayed cord clamping delivers a substantial amount of iron.
One study found that waiting two minutes increased iron stores by 27-47 mg. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, waiting three minutes may prevent iron deficiency during the first year of life.
Approximately one-third of its total blood volume resides in the placenta. This is equal to the volume of blood that will be needed to fully perfuse the fetal lungs, liver, and kidneys at birth.
Another potential benefit of delayed cord clamping is to ensure that the baby can receive the complete amount of clotting factors. Basically the increased volume of blood will naturally increase blood platelet levels, which are needed for normal blood clotting.
Delayed clamping also results in an infusion of stem cells. This plays an essential role in the development of the immune, respiratory, cardiovascular, and central nervous systems. Along with many other functions. The concentration of stem cells in fetal blood is higher than at any other time of life.
Immediate cord clamping leaves nearly one-third of these critical cells in the placenta. Stem cells may also help repair any brain damage the baby might have suffered during a difficult birth. Why do you think hospitals want to bank/buy cord blood so often? It can be used to help with so many things!
Delayed cord clamping is SOOOOO important. Not just delaying a few minutes. That’s better than nothing, yes. But delay until the cord is no longer pulsing and is white. That’s ideal for baby to get all the good stuff.